What Is Freedom?

22 mins 1 week


Money in hand
10 mins 12 mths

The Origins Of Money

Money is a bit like religion. In that, money has been around so long, we’ve forgotten what it is. The origins of money WTF? Every new generation of us gets taught what money is and how it works. Similarly to established religious beliefs an orthodoxy teaches an approved curriculum. What if that syllabus contains mistruths and is factually wrong? Wouldn’t that result in millions of us getting the wrong idea about important stuff like money and how the financial system works? Well, the simple answer is yes.

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ancient ruins of apollon temple
8 mins 12 mths

Understanding The Ancient World

I spent a good number of years studying ancient history at university and thoroughly enjoyed it. I recommend the learning experience. Understanding the ancient world, however, remains an intellectual exercise, as the passing of millennia makes it impossible to really grasp the Geist of these distant times. I compare it to trying to stare down a deep well through cloudy water in a bid to see what is down there. Fleeting speculations based on interpretations of translations and bits of broken pottery are the best we can do. Still, the process of trying to comprehend the past is a worthwhile thing in itself, in my view. It reflects keenly upon the present.

book review history latest post mind


engineer fitting prosthetic arm
9 mins 1 yr

Four Corners Exposes NDIS Flaws & Failures

The ABC program 4 Corners has shone a light upon further mistreatment and exploitation of Australia’s disabled population. The lax and low standards inherent in many Australian initiatives seemingly invites in unscrupulous people and organisations to profit from the misery of others. The NDIS is the perfect example of this, with so many politicians patting themselves on the back for such a fine effort in this space. Meanwhile, the actual running of the ship is sloppy and full of loopholes large enough to drive double-decker buses through. Four Corners exposes NDIS flaws and failures costing disabled Australians and their families quality of life and much heartache.

woman sitting on the floor with her hands on head
5 mins 1 yr

The Woman King

What a refreshing movie. The Woman King is wonderful stuff. I found myself cheering for the women and the Africans, as they won their battles against their male and European foes. History has often been depressing in its relentless exploitation of the noble savage and the female of the species. Watching a film where these folk finally get the upper hand was a welcome thrill. The depiction of the slave trade in Africa was a reminder of the horrendous role Europeans played in making their fortune in this manner. All too many of us, white, well fed Westerners put this stuff out of our thoughts, when it was really not that long ago.

3 mins 9 yrs

US Open Golf 2015

Boy, what a surprise when I turned on the first round of the 2015 US open golf championship to see a revolutionary new vista. Where were the boring old, up and down, tree lined fairways? Where were the chemically induced ultra green coloured greens? What I was seeing did not look like golf US style. This looked like a mix of staged motor cross and Open links golf brought together in a new kind of golfing space. I immediately thought to myself – new fans are going to love this. The USGA are to be applauded for their ground breaking vision.

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